Website project structure

Website project structure

Story so far

Last time I shared how I imagine my target design and how I want to build tooling around it. I've published first article [0th entry](, which looked horrible.. Also there are no landing page nor about page.

[Lovely html and markdown mashup](image about initial site design)

[Not empty violations list](image about violations from http validator)

Site structure

It is time to push things a little bit further - add handmade landing page and about pages! At first I wanted to just start writing the code but as a father of two kids with very low or no time to do anything beside being in the loop of work/eat/kids/sleep I've decided to address next item on my imaginary list of stuff-to-do.

Behold, this is what I imagine as an input structure:


2. assets

1. commons_style.css

2. commonimage1.svg

3. ...

3. article_1


2. assets

1. [optional] article1style.css

2. article1image_1.svg

3. ...

3. article_2


2. assets

1. [optional] article2style.css

2. article2image_1.svg

3. ...

Of course that currently website structure does not look like this :). After all I expect it to change when I will try to automate and write code down. But I plan to stick to this idea in next steps. Right now landing page and about page will be written manually.