Fixing first two issues

Fixing first two issues

I've already mentioned that making this site aesthetically pleasing will take some time. But there are already few quick wins to grab.

Displaying raw markdown with

Currently, articles are just passed as is into html body. Lets wrap it into [

]( and see if it helps. 

Compare [before](before image link) with [after](after image link). I'd say that (at least for now) readability was enhanced. Who knew that it would be beneficial to read the standard :).

Fixing typos in hand written html

I am writing this article on [doom emacs](doom emacs link) running on old refubrished laptop. I do not have all configurations set because at the same time I am learning how to use emacs ecostystem (is there even LSP for HTML?). Anyway, thanks to [validator](validator link) I managed to spot few errors here and there (not closed header tags, doubled article element). I've also fixed (by hand) links to make them working.

Compare [validator before](validator before link) and [validator after](validator after link).